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“cosmic electrodynamics”
cosmic electrodynamics (plural form that functions as a singular) (noun)
1. The science concerned with electromagnetic phenomena in ionized media encountered in interstellar space, in stars, and above the atmosphere.
2. The physics of the interactions of moving, charged particles and magnetic fields in planetary atmospheres, stars, and interstellar and intergalactic space.
2. The physics of the interactions of moving, charged particles and magnetic fields in planetary atmospheres, stars, and interstellar and intergalactic space.
This entry is located in the following units:
cosmo-, cosm-, cosmico-, cosm, -cosmia, -cosmos, -cosmic, -cosmics, -cosmical, -cosmology, -cosms
(page 2)
electro-, electr-, electri-
(page 3)
-ics, -tics [-ac after i]
(page 10)
vir-, viri-, virtu-
(page 1)